Cross Curricular
Art teachers know, when we grid, measure, and draw—we use geometry. When we make sculptures—we use engineering. When we mix colors—we reveal information about physics. When we create illustrations for stories—we learn about literature. When we review the styles of art from da Vinci to Banksy—we teach history. When we write about art—we strengthen these skills. When we create works of art, we solve complex visual problems in creative ways.
Art Matters
1. Art makes you think and reflect.
2. Art takes you places.
3. Art makes you feel.
4. Art makes you look.
5. Art connects us.
7. Art lasts longer than most things. It leaves a legacy.
8. Art allows us to express ourselves.
9. You don’t need language to understand it.
10. Art says things that words just can’t say.
STudies show
A recent 2014 STUDY shows that exploring art and making art both help the brain make more neural connections, but making art showed greater cognitive gains.
Evidence supports the fact that art students are more successful than their non-art involved peers by a significant margin. Students who take art succeed at higher rates than their peers on tests like the SAT, on average, by 100 points.
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Arts and Education Articles/Studies