How is My Child's Art Evaluated?
“ It is not necessary to be a “ great artist” to do well in art class. What is necessary is a good attitude, a willingness to try new things, good listening skills and an overall team effort.”
Some may misunderstand and feel that grades should only be based on the end products (on the artwork itself). Grading artwork doesn’t have to be subjective, just as an essay in english has guidelines, so does art. Students should have a clear idea where the grade has originated from and understand completely why they received that particular grade for the assignment.
So how do we give students a clear idea of where their grade will come from in art? The first answer is simple. We provide a clear rubric. A rubric is essentially a guide that explains the requirements to receive a certain grade. For example, an “A” project may meet more requirements than a “C” project. In a rubric, the requirements are clearly spelled out. That way when grading time comes, there is no question as to why a student received a “C” instead of an “A”. Rubrics are pointless unless they are given to a student before the project begins. This way, the student is clear on what is required to make the grade that they desire from the start. The easiest question you should ever have to answer as a teacher is, “Why did I get this grade?
All rubrics are based on The Ohio State Visual Art Standards.
The Ohio Department of Education encourages visual and performing arts educators to use the standards to help develop the creative imagination, skills and dispositions that students need to reach their highest potential and participate in our global community as innovative and valued citizens.
See sample rubrics below: