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"You are born an artist because

children draw and their not taught. Children draw all the time, they are expressing their thoughts and feelings. So you are born an artist and not taught."

                                                - Tyler Warren

"It can be taught. Anything you do you have to learn first, like when you first start school you don't know your abc's. The teacher has to teach you. It's the same with everything else." - Josh Geisz, 8th Grade

Thinking about Art | Week 2

Prompt: Are you born an artist or is it a skill that can be taught? Why do you feel this way?

"A lot of artists are born with talent or are self taught. Maybe you aren't born with 

talent but your born with the love for art

which can lead you to become a great 


                               - Gigi Kiniyalocts

"It is a skill to be taught because you are taught to write and taught to speak. So you can be taught to draw or make art. Art is a skill to be taught."   

                                      - Maddie Bowling

"Both because people can just be really good at it or 

you can work at it a lot and not be good but become good when you practice. It's just like sports you can be just born 

really athletic and be good at everything or not so good

but work at it a lot and become good at sports. "

- Caleb Allen

“Music gets me a start to create. I get creative when I listen to girl power playlist. I remember when one time I was at home and one one was home, I blared the music and then I started to draw and color it. It was an amazing afternoon of listening to music and drawing  with no chores or anything to do.”

“For me, I get most inspired by the music I listen to and other peoples’s animations to create my own. The music would have to really speak to me. I enjoy making small sketches when creating art and need to have the right lighting. An examples is when I was listening to Tool and drew some art related to the lyrics of the song I was listening to."

“I get inspired by quotes from Ray Lewis and the time I got inspired was the time I played football and his quotes help me in sports or just in life in general. I get inspired at sporting events.”

“What inspires me to make art is music. It puts me in a creative state, makes me want to work harder. Another big thing that inspires me to make art is when I see something about my favorite group. When It’s night and I’m all alone is when I feel the most creative. Or when I’m outside and see scenery or even just people. This gives me ideas and motivates me to create. “

Write About it Wednesday | Week 4 

Prompt: What does it take you to get inspired to create?  Describe a time when you felt inspired while creating something. 

Heavy Hearts | Week 9

This week was a heavy week, students have had a lot of stress on their hearts and minds. We decided to take that energy and channel it into something good! Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Graders took time to create squares of hope, to line the halls of Stoneman Douglas High School. Eighth Grade students have been working on inspiring portraits of actors and actresses. Some students decided to change their original inspiration to one of the victims February's tragedy. Once completed we will send the images to the victims families. I am so proud of our students. Not only did they show interest in completing this project, some students took on extra work so that each family would receive a portrait. Below are some of the in progress pieces!

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