1.) The students will be able to accurately describe Theibaud’s unique style in their artist statement.
2.)The students will express their own personal opinions on Thiebaud’s work, answering the questions: What is the purpose of art? What is the purpose of Theibaud’s art?
3.)The students will effectively re-create Thiebaud’s unique style (utilizing texture with the oil pastels and prominent shadows)
4.) The students will use complementary colors, tints and shades to create depth, shadows and highlights.
Standards Covered
3PR: Represent depth and volume in their two-dimensional works of art.
1PE: Explore how personal experiences, interest, cultural heritage and gender influence an artist’s style and choice of subject matter.
5RE: Describe how experiences in galleries, museums and other cultural institutions can stimulate the imagination and enrich people’s lives.
Students begin their thumbnail sketches (using a visual.) I will have several photographs of food printed off for the students to use.
Students draw their final copy, using a 1inch to 2 inch grid. Enlarging it onto black paper. They will use pencil for this.
Demonstration: Oil pastels (Darks, Lights and Layers) Layer warm colors to create highlights and cool colors to create shadows
Discussion: Light and the prism. White light is all colors. Link to Science and their experience with the Spectroscope/Prism. When held up to white light, what did they see? (The rainbow) That is why when you are creating highlights on your objects, they can be yellow, pink, orange, etc. Shadows can appear blue or violet. We don’t need to think purely in terms of black and white when applying shadows and highlights. Notice how Thiebaud approached the color white in his paintings: Shadows appear as cool colors like blue and violet (rather than simply black) and highlights are represented with warm colors like pinks, peaches, and yellows (not simply white.)
Students will mix colors, start with a base coat, choose a side of light source and add cool colors as shadows, warm colors as highlights.
Be sure to layer the oil pastels, and apply them thick so that your piece is highly textured much in the way Thiebaud painted with his oil paint.
Students continue with the oil pastels for about the next 4 class periods concentrating on layering colors to create shadows and highlights.
Evaluation & Reflection:

Students will give specific constructive feedback using visual arts vocabulary.
Students will complete group led critiques.
Students will layer each section of their drawing with no less than 3 colors, rather than one flattened layer.
Students will blend using a variety of oil pastel techniques: scumbling, sgfraffito, stippling and light/heavy pressure blending.